Symposium Video Banner

During the Sixth National Symposium on Dispute Resolution in Special Education in October 2015, CADRE recorded keynote and plenary presentations as well as a number of breakout sessions. Topics range from Appreciative Inquiry to IEP Meeting Facilitation, Restorative Justice, Ombudsing, and more.

Welcome from OSEP

Tina Diamond


Welcome from CADRE

Marshall Peter


OSEP Update

Ruth Ryder

Keynote Addresses

Appreciative Inquiry: Harvesting a System’s Strengths to Ignite a Student’s Positive Core

Miriam Novotony & Pru Sullivan

Lessons Learned from Abraham Lincoln

Tom Stipanowich

Plenary Presentation

Lessons Learned from 40 Years in the Trenches

Connie Hawkins, Nora Thompson, Marshall Peter

Concurrent Sessions

IEP Meeting Facilitation – Using Facilitation to Change District Culture

Kathy Clayton, Robin Keim, Cassie Velasquez


Proposals to Reform the IDEA’s Due Process Structure

Elizabeth Shaver


Using an Ombudsman Model to Resolve Conflict in Public Schools

Jennifer Harris


Applying Restorative Justice Practices to Special Education Disputes

Cristian Belshe, Jim Belshe, Chip Coker, Candace Hawkins, John Inglish


Collaborative Practices Between Districts and Stakeholders to Enhance Dispute Resolution

Latonia Green, Kimberly Steinke, Sarah Wallerstein Koren


Restorative Justice: Where Dispute Resolution Meets Discipline

David Gruber, Cheryl Levine


Note: Transcripts available upon request.
