Jessie Carpenter is the Workforce Development Manager for the Oregon Association of Relief Nurseries. She has worked in the field of early intervention and family support since 2007. She began her career as a home visitor, working with parents of children birth to age 5. She has been a therapeutic early education specialist, a parent educator, and a supervisor. Currently, Jessie provides trainings to home visitors and therapeutic early childhood teachers around the state on topics related to infant/toddler mental health, parent-child attachment, trauma-informed home visiting practices, administering early childhood developmental screenings, supporting survivors of domestic violence, and many other topics. Additionally, Jessie serves on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and the Native American Advisory Council at the Relief Nursery in Eugene, Oregon. Jessie has been trained by Trauma Informed Oregon as a Trauma Informed Basics trainer, and additionally is a trained facilitator of the Trauma Empowerment and Recovery Model.