IEP meeting facilitation has been around since 1998 when JDL Associates developed the process. Participants will learn about IEP Meeting Facilitation and the benefits for utilizing the facilitation process to build and improve strong relationships among the IEP team members so that a high quality IEP is developed and implemented. Specific tools and techniques will be presented so that participants can walk away and implement those techniques. Discussion about eliminating conflict and resolving it when it occurs will be presented. When school districts implement the facilitated IEP meeting process, they report more efficient meetings, less conflict, more collaboration, reduced need for substitutes, and better IEPs for the students. Information includes best practices for all IEP meetings and includes information on roles and responsibilities of IEP team members, listening techniques, and use of agendas and ground rules. These tools enable the IEP team to be truly collaborative and for ALL participants to play meaningful roles. Information about the success of implementing the process also will be shared.