Patricia S. Bourexis, Ph.D., President and a Principal Researcher of The Study Group Inc., (TSG) has worked with the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), U.S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and other Federal agencies for more than 35 years to ensure program quality and effectiveness. Her current assignment with OSEP is leading the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) work for the TA&D and ETechM2 IDEA National Programs. Prior OSEP evaluation assignments include assisting the agency with its long-range comprehensive planning initiatives and assessing the impact of National Program sponsored products and services. Dr. Bourexis is also a lead author of "Enhancing Program Quality in Science and Mathematics," a guide for program directors to designing, implementing, and evaluating exemplary STEM programs. Dr. Bourexis’ current interest is helping federally and state-sponsored programs use evaluation to build a culture of intentional, data-centered management and continuous improvement.