Principal Researcher
The Study Group
209 E Sir Walter Raleigh Drive
Kill Devil Hills, 27948
United States

Michael E. Norman, Ed.D., Principal Researcher of The Study Group, Inc. (TSG) has over four decades of experience in program planning and development, formative and summative evaluation, strategic planning, marketing, and the design and delivery of technical assistance regarding policies, programs, and practices benefiting children and youth with disabilities. Dr. Norman is currently working with the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to fulfill the agency’s Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) responsibilities for the Parent Training and Information and Personnel Development IDEA National Programs. He recently directed TSG’s assistance to the Kansas Statement Department of Education in the full scale evaluation of the Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports as well as TSG’s nationwide assessment of transition policies and practices in State vocational rehabilitation for the U.S. Department of Education. Dr. Norman voices the perspective of the program director on this panel, concentrating on how staff can get the most out of their evaluation efforts.
