Greg Buntz is president of the Conflict Resolution Center of Iowa, LLC, (formerly the Iowa Peace Institute) and president emeritus of the Iowa Peace Institute (IPI). The Conflict Resolution Center of Iowa (CRCI), located in Grinnell Iowa, is devoted to helping people meaningfully address and resolve conflicts. As a special education mediator for the state of Iowa, Greg believes that the parties with the problem also have the solution, and that it is his job to help them find it rather than to tell them how to solve the problem. He and his colleagues at IPI and CRCI have been providing mediation and conflict resolution training for the Iowa Department of Education since 1995. Dr. Buntz came to IPI in 1994 after a 22-year career as a college professor having taught at the University of Arizona and the University of the Pacific. He formed CRCI in January 2004 when IPI ceased operations. He earned his undergraduate and masters degrees in business from the University of Iowa and his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in public policy and management.