All parents can and should participate meaningfully in their children’s education, including those whose children receive special education services. Research demonstrates that parent/family involvement significantly contributes to improved student outcomes. Engagement between family members and educators is seen through coordinated efforts as well as joint agenda setting and decision-making and is evidenced by higher levels of trust.
STEP - Lunchtime Leaders Webinar: "Preparing and Engaging Youth" Building Confidence to Advocate for Yourself
PRN - Negotiation 101: How to Get the SPED Services Your Child Needs
MEPF-8 - Advocating For Your Child
Reaching Out to American Indian and Alaska Native Youth with Disabilities
Breaking Barriers: Reaching the Hard to Reach - Webinar
Father Involvement in Early Intervention: Exploring the Gap Between Service Providers’ Perceptions and Practices
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine early intervention (EI) service providers’ perceptions of the roles played by fathers in services, as well as their perceptions of the barriers that limit fathers from being engaged in the services provided for families of children with...Learn more
Culture in Inclusive Schools: Parental Perspectives on Trusting Family-Professional Partnerships
This qualitative study improves understanding of parent perspectives about the factors that facilitate family-professional partnerships in schools recognized for inclusive practices. Five themes emerged from 11 focus groups consisting of parents of students with and without disabilities and with...Learn more