West’s Education Law Reporter
Zirkel, P.A. & Gullo, G.L.
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An article on trends related to Due Process Hearings for the years 2012-2017, comparing them to the previous six-year period.

This article examines trends in Due Process Hearings across fifty-two jurisdictions, including the fifty states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Questions addressed include,
1) For the period 2012-2017, did the previous six-year period's downward trends of adjudications and filings continue?
2) Were the top six jurisdictions the same as for the previous period?
3) Have the results for the remaining jurisdictions changed notably from the prior period to this more recent period?

Data show uneven but mostly flat trend lines in the number of filings and adjudications. A handful of jurisdictions continue to account for a majority of adjudicated filings, with Puerto Rico, New York, DC, and California each averaging over 100 annually in this period.

Further research is recommended, specifically to ensure consistency in identifying a "fully adjudiciated hearing" and to consider the per capita rates reflected in each jurisdiction's figures.
