Melissa Mueller, Anita Engiles, and Marshall Peter
This paper explores benefits, challenges and strategies related to the involvement of students in the special education mediation process. A CADRE Publication . This document was published in September 2003. More information on IDEA 2004.

This document was published in September 2003 and updated August 2007.

Little, if anything, has been written about how to determine when student participation in special education mediations might be appropriate. What possibilities exist for the role of the student in a mediation regarding the services that she receives? How does such participation impact the student? When students with disabilities do participate in special education mediation, how do we best accomplish their inclusion? This paper identifies some of the benefits and challenges that warrant consideration by families, educators, and dispute resolution practitioners as they create opportunities for students to participate in the mediation process. Perspectives and assumptions regarding student participation are captured and strategies are presented that may contribute to an improved process for all involved.

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