Megan Cote is the Technical Assistance Coordinator at the National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB). During her 30 years in the field of special education, she has worked as a classroom teacher, an educational consultant, and director of the Kansas Deaf-Blind Project. In her role at NCDB, she supports state deaf-blind projects and families by developing tools and publications, providing training and technical assistance, coordinating national efforts, and facilitating collaboration. She also serves as a special advisor for the National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB), is a board member for the Region A PTAC, and is a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders (GFPD). As a Kansas native, she earned her master’s degree in Severe Multiple Disabilities/Deaf-Blindness at the University of Kansas. Megan and her husband are the parents of three wonderful children.