After graduating from the University of Wisconsin School of Law in 1977, Larry Ringer worked for 12 years as an attorney for publicly-funded law programs in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota. His work focused on representing children with disabilities and their families in both individual and systemic special education cases.
From 1989 until his retirement in 2017, Larry worked for the Office of Special Education Programs in the United States Department of Education. As an Associate Director in OSEP's Division of Monitoring and State Improvement Planning, Larry managed a team responsible for special education and early intervention oversight in 14 States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. In addition, Larry was OSEP's lead related to State Improvement Plans and Annual Performance Reports, and had a key role in the development of several policy and regulatory packages related to diverse areas, including dispute resolution, early intervention for infants and toddlers with disabilities, and IEP development and content.
Following his retirement from OSEP in 2017, Larry moved from Washington, DC to the Delaware shore, where he currently works as the Director of Training for the Delaware Parent Training and Information Center (Parent Information Center of Delaware).