System Design/Management
The program is administered by the Division of Special Populations at the Louisiana Department of Education.
Forms/Letter Templates
Practitioner Qualifications
The Division of Special Populations uses an open RFP process to identify individuals from a variety of backgrounds that suit their IEP facilitator needs. Facilitators are independent contractors assigned by the Division. They have been trained in IEP facilitation and IEP procedures.
Availability/Accessing Services
Either parent or district can request IEP Facilitation; however, since the process is voluntary, both sides shall agree to participate in the IEP facilitation process. Like mediation, the IEP facilitation is initiated by request to the LDE, and is at no cost to the parents or districts. Regulations also provide that deadlines for due process hearings and administrative complaints may be extended if the parties agree in order to engage in a facilitated IEP. A State statute also provides protections for both IEP facilitators and mediators against testifying in subsequent proceedings.