Myriam has worked within the Parent Center Network since the year 2000. Myriam has extensive expertise engaging diverse populations, parent group development, social media coordination and data management. Myriam led the English-Spanish OSEP Glossary Project, which included the translation of over 400 terms related to IDEA Parts B and C.
As Assistant Project Director for the National Center for Parent Information and Resources, she manages the CentersConnect, a virtual space for Parent Center staff to work, network, and collaborate; and assists Parent Centers with their annual data collection. She also manages the programming and organization of webinars and social media for the Center for Parent information and Resources (CPIR).
Myriam is the Assistant Project Director for the National RAISE Center, where she runs Google Analytics reports, organizes webinars and also coordinates the annual data collection of the RSA PTI’s.
Myriam supports parent center staff across Region A (NEPACT) by providing technical assistance to parent centers serving Spanish-speaking families and youth on best practices to increase their expertise in effective and appropriate outreach and service provision.
Myriam participated in the YSEALI Professional Fellows Program 2017 in Brunei (South Asia), bringing ideas for families of children with disabilities to start and run special education advisory groups in their communities. Myriam has a B.S. in Electronic Engineering from Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela.