A Stakeholder Council advises education system administrators and dispute resolution program managers on the development of policies and procedures that regulate the system. Such councils provide ongoing input from a variety of perspectives to help guide and influence the functioning and improvement of dispute resolution systems. The group typically includes representatives from parent and advocacy organizations, special education administrators, attorneys, and dispute resolution practitioners. In some cases, a stakeholder council is a sub-committee of the state’s special education advisory committee; in other cases it is a free-standing entity.
Using Conflict Resolution to Empower Educators, Empower Parents, Guarantee Due Process, Address Discrimination and Achieve Educational Goals
IL - Stakeholder Meeting PowerPoint
UT - Interagency Coordinating Council (Part C)
PA - Stakeholder Council (mission, operating procedures, minutes)
RI - Special Education Advisory Committee (RISEAC)
WI - Stakeholder Involvement Yields Better Mediation System Article
PA - Correspondence as a Result of Focus Group Meeting
PA - ODR Focus Group Meeting Minutes (6/30/04)