Facilitation is a voluntary process that can be used when parties in an IEP, IFSP or other meeting agree that the presence of a neutral third party would facilitate communication and problem solving. It is most often used when there is a history of contentious interactions between the family and school, the participants anticipate that they will be unable to reach agreement on critical issues, or when a meeting is expected to be particularly complex and controversial. Facilitators often serve as special education mediators in their state and have received additional training beyond that which they received to become mediators. Additionally, many school districts have specially trained staff members to serve in their own schools, districts or regions, or to assist in others, to more effectively facilitate problematic IEP meetings. 

When IEP teams reach an impasse or meetings are expected to be contentious, an independent (external) facilitator, who is not affiliated with the team or school district, may help guide the process. The external facilitator keeps members of the IEP team focused on the development of the IEP and will foster effective communication in order to complete the development of a high quality IEP.
The SDE offers the IEP team a neutral thrid party to encourage communication, participation, and problem solving by all team members.
Facilitation of Special Education IEP Meetings is a free service provided by the Bureau of Special Projects, Office of Special Education upon request by a district or parent.
Facilitated Individual Education Program (FIEP) Meetings are IEP meetings that are led by an independent facilitator and are designed to help the team overcome the pressures and challenges of a potentially contentious meeting.
In Texas, the Texas Education Agency has approached IEP facilitation by providing support and grants for regional educational service centers to implement a plan specific and customized to the geographical region.
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) Office of Special Education Services (OSES) provides informal dispute resolution assistance to families and schools as they address concerns related to programming for students with disabilities. This assistance includes providing facilitators, when requested, to assist with the individualized education program (IEP) process. Facilitation is available at no cost to parents and school districts and is a voluntary process. Both parties must agree that it would be valuable to have a neutral person, the facilitator, participate in an IEP team meeting to assist the team in discussing issues and reaching consensus.



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