In my 20-year career, I have worked as a special education and foster youth attorney, certified mediator and facilitator, school-based dispute resolution program coordinator, substitute teacher and college instructor. So, I have worked with and on behalf of most parties involved in education-related conflict. I care about education and I care about children. Unfortunately, I have observed how conflict can hinder students’ access to resources and diminish people’s willingness to work together. This led me to launch Resolve Conflict Management Services so I could help families and school personnel by mediating disputes, facilitating meetings and coaching team members in effective communication techniques. I provide these services while continuously considering cultural differences, input inequities and power imbalances. As a neutral third-party alternative dispute resolution professional, I help families and school personnel navigate the roadblocks that can prevent students from receiving the resources, accommodations and services they require. Through mediation, facilitation and communication coaching, I help restore the collaborative nature needed for family-school relationships to succeed. My work is about building awareness that empowers people to interact with intent and achieve positive outcomes. My website is: www.resolvecms.com
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