Jonathan Beyer provides consultation to families, government agencies, and private businesses and organizations on conflict resolution, special education, and health policy. Mr. Beyer received his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center and has been particularly prominent in discussions concerning how to avoid and resolve conflicts relating to the scope of the IDEA entitlement for treating children with special needs.
His consultations and writings have focused on mediation and the debate surrounding intensive therapies for children with autism. He has analyzed the mediation amendment to IDEA-1997 in article published in the Journal of Law and Education (Jan. 1999) and co-authored the article, "Creating public policy in a climate of clinical indeterminacy: Lovaas as the case example du jour" [Infants and Young Children, 1998]. He has also published on intergovernmental conflicts in the July 1998 edition of Healthplan and on other topics related to mediation and social policy in The Georgetown Law Journal, The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, and the ADR Report. He also co-authors a regular interactive column with Dr. Ed Feinberg for the ADR Report.
He has presented before the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council, at conferences for the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System [NEC*TAS], and for several local, state, and federal special education programs in this country and abroad.
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