Claudette Rushing is an Attorney, Hearing Officer, Mediator, and Trainer in Seattle, Washington and the owner and Principal of Education Resolutions, LLC. She also works as an attorney advisor for the U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Education, and as an arbitrator for FINRA. She has worked for the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights as an enforcement attorney and a mediator, where she worked extensively with Section 504, Title II, Title IX, and Title VI. Ms. Rushing also worked as the state IDEA Legal Specialist and the Dispute Resolution Coordinator for the Oregon Department of Education, where she worked extensively with state complaints, due process hearings, IDEA dispute resolution and data indicators. Ms. Rushing is also a Hearing Officer for IDEA Due Process complaints for several state agencies and has provided legal and dispute resolution trainings to various state agencies, parent groups, and school districts. Prior to her legal career, Ms. Rushing worked as a general and special education reading and language arts teacher for six years in various middle school and high school roles. She also taught Gifted and Talented children and preteens for Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth. She especially enjoyed working with gifted and talented students, twice exceptional students, and students with dyslexia. She has one child and loves Boston Terriers, hiking, reading, live music, watching her child play soccer and swim, and spending time outdoors with friends and family.
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